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Initially I wasn't sure about the style of Palahniuk's new book. As an oral history, it pieces together some urban folklore style reminisces about the main character, Rant Casey. However, as the book progresses, the connections between people become more apparent. It follows similar ground, socio-politically to Fight Club & Survivor. The urban games part of the book reminds me of the Santa Rampage in Fugitives & Refugees.
The book does lose its way when it starts to imply a life of Matrix style plug-ins, draconian curfews and conflict between daytime and night time peoples.


  • Format:10x180 mm
  • Liczba stron:318
  • Oprawa:miękka
  • ISBN-13:9780307388896
  • Data wydania:2008
  • Numer katalogowy:72803

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