Written in the early 18th century by Samurai retainer Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure is the classic exposition of Bushido, the warrior code of the Samurai, divided into a collection of commentaries. Combining elements of both Zen Buddhism and Confucianism, Hagakure teaches a wisdom centered on loyalty, devotion, purity and selflessness, placing a strong emphasis on the notion of living in the present moment with a strong and clear mind. With a focus on living with honour and a willingness to die at any moment in service of a lord, Hagakure was a popular and widely-read guide to Samurai ethics for Japanese soldiers during World War II.
This illustrated edition offers hundreds of aphorisms from the original, covering topics as wide-ranging as how to avoid selfishness, the importance of paying respect to elders, teachers and parents, gaining self-knowledge through modestly and discipline, committing to a task no matter what the odds are, and how to achieve the state of a pure and uncomplicated mind.
Beautifully produced in traditional Chinese binding, Hagakure Illustrated is a classic collection of clearly expressed and entertaining sketches, stories and aphorisms reflecting on every aspect of life and death according to Bushido, the moral code of the Samurai.