This is the visual story of life in Maasai Mara, Kenya, wild home of African big game and one of the world s most famous wildlife reserves. Anup Shah s distinctive style of photography propels the reader into the middle of this evocative land and its resident animals, immediately and intimately. The Mara reveals a magnificent stage for the performance of life. The drama is driven by the rhythm of the seasons, from the start of new life at the end of the rainy season, through to the hardships endured during the long, dry season. The images capture anger, death, hope, arrivals, and departures, and provide a startlingly fresh and rarely seen view of life in this popular reserve. The images are accompanied by thought-provoking captions which describe the breathtaking land that Anup experienced first-hand during trips to the Mara between 2011 and 2015. Now the reader can experience the essence and wonder of Mara life with this astounding volume."