Political Communication of National Democracy 1918-1939.


Political Communication of National Democracy 1918-1939.

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Political communication based on political structures has a formalized character where the roles of a sender and a recipient have been clearly determined. If contains in itself fundamental issues concerning the formation of norms and standards on the basis of the chosen system of values, cooperation during establishment and realization of necessary actions in circulation of communication, and enabling of interaction. Political communication of the political formation such as National Democracy was a process created, developed and disseminated by a closed milieu, connected by formal ties, supporting itself in all spheres of actwivity, and oriented at group activity.


  • Format:170x240 mm
  • Liczba stron:302
  • Oprawa:miękka
  • ISBN-13:9788377842805
  • Data wydania:16 marzec 2013
  • Numer katalogowy:215680

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