This handbook provides the basie rangę of the mathematical knowledge for the students of economics. It covers the elementary areas of linear algebra, mathematical analysis and probability. The program is based on the requisites of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The principal aim of this book is to provide useful mathematical information in a lucid and accessible form. The book consists of three parts. In the first part the author considers the elementary notions and theorems in linear algebra such as matrix, determinant, rank of a matrix, system of linear eąuations and linear space. The second part is devoted to mathematical analysis. The author introduces the notion of limit, derivative, indefinite and definite integral. The last part of the book discusses the fundamental concepts of probability theory. The author considers probability space, random variables and random vectors what is an introduction to statistics for the students of economics. The book contains a lot of examples and tasks.
The author hopes mat this handbook will be very helpful for students, academic teachers and everyone with a penchant for applicable mathematics.